"Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" - Acts 16:30
“If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares that he knows the Lord's will but does not mean to attend to it, you are not to pamper his presumption, but it is your duty to assure him that he is not saved. Do you imagine that the Gospel is magnified or God glorified by going to the worldlings and telling them that they may be saved at this moment by simply accepting Christ as their Saviour, while they are wedded to their idols and their hearts are still in love with sin? If I do so, I tell them a lie, pervert the Gospel, insult Christ, and turn the grace of God into lasciviousness.” - Charles Spurgeon
“If we are not obedient unto Christ we may rest assured that we have not the Spirit of Christ – and are none of His.” – Charles Spurgeon
“Many are troubled because the Gospel interferes with their sin.” – Charles Spurgeon
"A man is not saved against his will, but he is made willing by the operation of the Holy Ghost. A mighty grace which he does not wish to resist enters into the man, disarms him, makes a new creature of him, and he is saved." – Charles Spurgeon
“If we are not obedient unto Christ we may rest assured that we have not the Spirit of Christ – and are none of His.” – Charles Spurgeon
“Many are troubled because the Gospel interferes with their sin.” – Charles Spurgeon
"A man is not saved against his will, but he is made willing by the operation of the Holy Ghost. A mighty grace which he does not wish to resist enters into the man, disarms him, makes a new creature of him, and he is saved." – Charles Spurgeon
"Jesus didn't die to save us from Hell. That's a fringe benefit! He died to get total occupation of us..." - Leonard Ravenhill
“If He is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all.” – Leonard Ravenhill
"If you're going to be a true Christian, I'll tell you one thing amongst others: it'll be a lonely life. It's a narrow way and it becomes narrower and narrower and narrower.” – Leonard Ravenhill
“If He is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all.” – Leonard Ravenhill
"If you're going to be a true Christian, I'll tell you one thing amongst others: it'll be a lonely life. It's a narrow way and it becomes narrower and narrower and narrower.” – Leonard Ravenhill
“To those who want to receive Christ as Saviour in order to have a passport to Heaven, but desire to remain in their sins and in the world, we must be faithful and declare like Peter, 'Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee. For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity' (Acts 8:21-23).” - James Stewart
"I claim no right to myself, no right to this understanding, this will, these affections that are in me. Neither do I have any right to this body or its members, no right to this tongue, to these hands, feet, ears or eyes. I have given myself clear away and not retained anything of my own." - Jonathan Edwards
"How can you expect to dwell with God forever, if you so neglect and forsake him here?" - Jonathan Edwards
"Resolution One: I will live for God. Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will." - Jonathan Edwards
"How can you expect to dwell with God forever, if you so neglect and forsake him here?" - Jonathan Edwards
"Resolution One: I will live for God. Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will." - Jonathan Edwards
"Those who have not bowed to Christ's scepter and enthroned Him in their hearts and lives, and yet imagine that they are trusting in Him as their Saviour, are deceived, and unless God disillusions them they will go down to the everlasting burnings with a lie in their right hand." - A.W. Pink
"We do not ask, Is Christ your "Savior," but is He, really and truly, your Lord? If He be not your Lord, then most certainly He is not your "Savior." Those who have not received Christ Jesus as their "Lord," and yet suppose Him to be their "Savior," are deluded, and their hope rests on a foundation of sand." - A.W. Pink
"We do not ask, Is Christ your "Savior," but is He, really and truly, your Lord? If He be not your Lord, then most certainly He is not your "Savior." Those who have not received Christ Jesus as their "Lord," and yet suppose Him to be their "Savior," are deluded, and their hope rests on a foundation of sand." - A.W. Pink
"Many say they love God but they hate His laws. "Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us" (Psa. ii. 3). God’s precepts are compared to cords, they bind men to their good behaviour; but the wicked think these cords too tight, therefore they say, Let us break them. They pretend to love Christ as a Saviour, but hate Him as a King. Christ tells us of His yoke (Matt. xi. 29). Sinners would have Christ put a crown upon their head, but not a yoke upon their neck. He were a strange king that should rule without laws." - Thomas Watson
"...Nowhere [in the Bible] are we ever led to believe that we can use Jesus as a Savior and not own Him as our Lord. He is the Lord and as the Lord He saves us, because He has all of the offices of Savior and Christ and High Priest and Wisdom and Righteousness and Sanctification and Redemption! He is all of these things and all of these are embodied in Him as Christ the Lord." ("I Call It Heresy!") - A.W. Tozer
"The idea that God will pardon a rebel who has not given up his rebellion is contrary both to the Scriptures and to common sense." - A.W. Tozer
"The idea that God will pardon a rebel who has not given up his rebellion is contrary both to the Scriptures and to common sense." - A.W. Tozer
"Christ has bands and cords for us; those that will be saved by him must be ruled by him..." - Matthew Henry
"It will not be asked at the great day, “Who ate flesh, and who ate herbs?” “Who kept holy days, and who did not?” Nor will it be asked, “Who was conformist and who was non-conformist?” But it will be asked, “Who feared God and worked righteousness, and who did not?” Nothing (is) more destructive to true Christianity than placing it in modes, and forms, and circumstantials, which eat out the essentials." - Matthew Henry
"It will not be asked at the great day, “Who ate flesh, and who ate herbs?” “Who kept holy days, and who did not?” Nor will it be asked, “Who was conformist and who was non-conformist?” But it will be asked, “Who feared God and worked righteousness, and who did not?” Nothing (is) more destructive to true Christianity than placing it in modes, and forms, and circumstantials, which eat out the essentials." - Matthew Henry
"Somebody said, 'It is so easy to get saved.' Yes, all it will cost you is a full surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ. All you've got to do to be saved is to die: that's all it costs to get to Christ." - Rolfe Barnard
'I have fought a battle over America, and time after time preachers have said in their pulpits, 'Rolfe Barnard is a liar,' when I preached - but I am not a liar when I say, 'Any salvation that doesn't bring you to a glad, happy submission to the rule of God in your life is not what Jesus bought on the cross.' This little stuff they call salvation now, that allows men and women to claim Jesus as Saviour without their wills being broken to His will, and without gaining glad submission to where men and women rejoice in the rule of Christ Jesus - that is no salvation at all!' - Rolfe Barnard
"I tried to get God to save me without throwing down my rebellion, but that just won't work. You just can't do it and call yourself a Christian. If you do, you're certain to go to hell. Until your rebellion is crushed and you surrender to do his will, there is no salvation." - Rolfe Barnard
"My dear unsaved friend, tears do not count if your heart is in rebellion. More than tears are needed. A great ONCE-FOR-ALL "LORD, I SURRENDER" is needed! Repentance is not an emotion or excitement, but repentance includes it. No man has ever been able to repent who did not get terribly excited in the very seat of the affections of his soul about the heinousness of his sin and the desperateness of his relation, or lack of it, to Almighty God! What is repentance? It is one great deliberate act of the soul, the whole man, in obedience to the call of God. It is turning from and turning to. It is putting your hand on your sin and pulling it out. That is what repentance is...Have you repented? Have you been able – as you sought a new heart, as you put yourself in the hands of a Sovereign God, have you been able to abhor yourself, your old nature and your sinful way, and turn utterly, renouncing all hope in self, to put your confidence and your trust and your surrender in the Lord Jesus Christ? I hope you have." - Rolfe Barnard
"Our first appeal is to rebels who have taken up arms against their Creator, and it is an appeal which is nothing less than the demand for surrender. The Gospel faces the world with terms and does not simply subdue it with a glow. The message is still, 'Jesus is Lord,' The Lord Jesus Christ will not settle for anything short of the total absolute surrender, not of our time or our money, but of ourselves to Him as God's Lord for time and for eternity." - Rolfe Barnard
'I have fought a battle over America, and time after time preachers have said in their pulpits, 'Rolfe Barnard is a liar,' when I preached - but I am not a liar when I say, 'Any salvation that doesn't bring you to a glad, happy submission to the rule of God in your life is not what Jesus bought on the cross.' This little stuff they call salvation now, that allows men and women to claim Jesus as Saviour without their wills being broken to His will, and without gaining glad submission to where men and women rejoice in the rule of Christ Jesus - that is no salvation at all!' - Rolfe Barnard
"I tried to get God to save me without throwing down my rebellion, but that just won't work. You just can't do it and call yourself a Christian. If you do, you're certain to go to hell. Until your rebellion is crushed and you surrender to do his will, there is no salvation." - Rolfe Barnard
"My dear unsaved friend, tears do not count if your heart is in rebellion. More than tears are needed. A great ONCE-FOR-ALL "LORD, I SURRENDER" is needed! Repentance is not an emotion or excitement, but repentance includes it. No man has ever been able to repent who did not get terribly excited in the very seat of the affections of his soul about the heinousness of his sin and the desperateness of his relation, or lack of it, to Almighty God! What is repentance? It is one great deliberate act of the soul, the whole man, in obedience to the call of God. It is turning from and turning to. It is putting your hand on your sin and pulling it out. That is what repentance is...Have you repented? Have you been able – as you sought a new heart, as you put yourself in the hands of a Sovereign God, have you been able to abhor yourself, your old nature and your sinful way, and turn utterly, renouncing all hope in self, to put your confidence and your trust and your surrender in the Lord Jesus Christ? I hope you have." - Rolfe Barnard
"Our first appeal is to rebels who have taken up arms against their Creator, and it is an appeal which is nothing less than the demand for surrender. The Gospel faces the world with terms and does not simply subdue it with a glow. The message is still, 'Jesus is Lord,' The Lord Jesus Christ will not settle for anything short of the total absolute surrender, not of our time or our money, but of ourselves to Him as God's Lord for time and for eternity." - Rolfe Barnard
Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go free?
No, there’s a cross for everyone, And there’s a cross for me.
The consecrated cross I’ll bear Till death shall set me free;
And then go home my crown to wear, For there’s a crown for me.
How happy are the saints above, Who once went sorrowing here!
But now they taste unmingled love, And joy without a tear.
Upon the crystal pavement, down At Jesus' pierced feet,
Joyful, I'll cast my golden crown, and His dear name repeat.
O precious cross! O glorious crown! O resurrection day!
Ye angels, from the stars come down, And bear my soul away.
- "Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?"
No, there’s a cross for everyone, And there’s a cross for me.
The consecrated cross I’ll bear Till death shall set me free;
And then go home my crown to wear, For there’s a crown for me.
How happy are the saints above, Who once went sorrowing here!
But now they taste unmingled love, And joy without a tear.
Upon the crystal pavement, down At Jesus' pierced feet,
Joyful, I'll cast my golden crown, and His dear name repeat.
O precious cross! O glorious crown! O resurrection day!
Ye angels, from the stars come down, And bear my soul away.
- "Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?"